Welcome To MyHoustonLife

Houston baby!


Whatever it is you’re doing, just stop, and look out the nearest window, or walk the nearest door.

Because there’s something out there, something new and beautiful and exhilarating that you haven’t experienced yet, and you absolutely deserve to.

Welcome to MyHoustonLife, a gathering place dedicated to highlighting the things that are distinctly and uniquely Houston. This isn’t your also-ran news site or your click and be done reviews page.  MyHoustonLife is a living, breathing entity driven by a small, dedicated editorial team with a passion for our home, and thriving on the contributions of you, the people who day in and day out give this city a life.  This site is for you, and the hole in the wall that only you and your close friends know about. This site is for you, and for the memories made every time you and your family stop by the Houston Zoo. This site is for you, and the place close to the office with the breakfast tacos that your co-workers can’t get enough of. This site is for you, and for that one exact spot in the park, the one with the breathtaking view, that you and your fiancee will cherish forever .

Here at MyHoustonLife, we pride ourselves on this new and open philosophy we have devised specifically to reward and encourage you for talking about the city we all love so much. More than giving you a zero to ten point scale or a tiny little comment box, we allow you and every other Houstonian, be it in town or at heart, a pedestal to let all of us know exactly why you’re proud of calling Houston “home”. Be sure to check our Frequently Asked Questions for some ideas for how this works, and our MHL Contributor Guide for an easy how-to.

We hope that, whether you’re here looking for a new place to eat, or a first-time experience, or just a hidden gem in this city of hidden gems, you’ll remember to stop by our site. Who knows? Maybe one day YOUR Houston Life will help make a fellow Houstonian’s night.

All we are saying is,
Let Us Show You Around Our Town

MHL Staff


  1. I’m so glad I ended up on this site tonight! This is EXACTLY the type of information I need and have been looking for over a long time.

    I want to know what makes Houston what it is, and I love the few spots I’ve found that just seem so unique in such a big city.

    Show me around!

    • Welcome to the site! Check everything out, get lost in the site, and find out what makes Houston tick! And then, get to writing about it! Let everyone else know about “your” place. Hope to see you around!

  2. Awesome! *Slow clap*

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