Every Day I’m Wafflin’ With The Waffle Bus

“MyHoustonLife, this is Tommy.” “Hi Tommy. I’m with the Cooking Channel’s Eat St. We will be in Houston this weekend filming The Waffle Bus and would like to invite MyHoustonLife to join other Houston food bloggers on our set.” “Wait. What? I’m going to be on TV?” “Maybe. There will be a lot of people […]

Stick It In Your Mouth! The Stick It Truck

Sometimes the food truck gods bring me food. I will admit that I have spent my fair share of time chasing after Houston’s ever growing population of food trucks. I am even beginning to realize that the sheer number of food trucks rolling around town nowadays is increasing faster than I can track them down. […]


I was fully aware of this cupcake craze for a couple of years but I never felt like driving across town to more well known cupcake bakeries such as Crave Cupcakes or Sprinkles for the 4 bites it takes me to devour one of their cupcakes. Then I heard about MMM…Cupcake and how they drive around in their tiny […]

MHL gets Pho Cupd with Phamily Bites!

When I heard that there was a Houston food truck that was serving Vietnamese banh mi sandwiches I was naturally excited… when I found out that same food truck also served cups of Pho to go, I was ecstatic! And when I found the Phamily Bites food truck parked outside the Washington Ave hot spot, […]